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Anatomy Department in Malla Reddy Medical College for Women is the best department, with all the required faculty, 4 Professors, 2 Associate Professors, 4 Assistant Professors and 5 Tutors

The Department draws the teaching schedule, system wise with date and time and teaching faculty name on the particular day. Immediately after the theory lectures, the same topic is kept in Apna box, where parents and students can go through. The daily schedule for the students is Dissection for 2 hours in the morning, histology practicals from 2.00-4.00 P.M.

The Dissection hall is well equipped with 20 dissection tables (Downdraft), 210 revolving stools, 4 demonstration computers, which is unique feature in this college, where students can open the system and observe the dissection part of the particular region. We have got facilities for embalming; both electric and gravitational machines are available. We receive donor bodies from local places (Chintal, D. Pochampally), which are embalmed here in the department.

We have all necessary equipment in the lab for research work where continuous activity will be going on.

The histology lab is well equipped with 120 compound self illuminated microscopes where the students can appreciate the slides excellently, we also have 5 dissecting microscopes, sufficient number of revolving stools, demonstration microscope where we can focus the slide and finer details are explained to the students. We also have facility of OHP, where the labeled diagrams are better explained, then we show demonstration microscope pictures which are un labeled for better orientation. Histology lab is also provided with very good slides – 600 No.s for the demonstration and practical purpose.

Anatomy Museum is one of the best in the department where we provide very good notes, handouts & catalogues for easy understanding.

The teaching rooms are as per NMC norms with required AV aids and digitally connected to all teaching areas. Seminars/ symposium : Conducted for students wiil be conducted every month. Every 10 students are attached to each faculty for welfare of the students. Quiz/Aptitude test: Will be conducted once in a year. Weekly / Monthly Assessment: Assessment of students will be done and merit list is prepared. Horizontal and Vertical integration teaching methods followed for important topics
Biochemistry is a rapidly expanding branch of science, combining the core areas of biology and chemistry. This field plays a huge role in the development of novel new scientific approaches. In short, Medical science cannot really exist without biochemistry. Understandably, Medical biochemistry is taught in the first year of Medicine to comprehend the molecular mechanisms in health and disease.

The department of Biochemistry here at Malla Reddy Medical College for Women is staffed more than adequately with 1 Professor, 3 Associate professors & 3 Assistant Professors. We have passionate, disciplined and dedicated faculty. Infrastructure is commensurate for the annual intake of 200+ medical students. We have a students laboratory with 72 students capacity and 2 demo rooms. The departmental library has 145 textbooks and exclusive National & International journals. The central laboratory for the patient samples is well equipped with automated analyzers and also has back up equipment. The laboratory was designed and armed to support the clinical fraternity in this era of evidence-based medicine.


Our vision in the department of Biochemistry at Malla Reddy Medical College for Women is to empower young women with the knowledge of clinical biochemistry, analytical thinking, discipline, empathy and practical skills.


Our mission is to achieve and maintain excellence in the field of medical biochemistry using innovative teaching methods by dedicated faculty

1. BIOCHEMISTRY LAB: A spacious well equipped lab with procedure stations for conducting various experiments accommodating 72 students at a time. In addition to the procedure stations, we have about 40 posters related to different metabolic pathways, biochemical disorders.
2. DEPARTMENT LIBRARY: An ambient library with 145 latest edition books of national and international authors along with various national and international journals.
3. DEMONSTRATION ROOMS: Department has 2 demonstration rooms with well equipped audio-visual aids - Computer systems with LCD projectors, OHP readers, black and white boards which can accommodate 75 students and 25 students at a time respectively. There is an additional demonstration room in the student laboratory with a 20 seating capacity.

Vision / Mission

Department of Physiology is a fully fledged department, with the following number of faculty, 3 Professors, 2 Associate Professors, 2 Assistant Professors, 5 Tutors.

Physiology is the science of life. It is one of the Pre- clinical phase -1 sciences dealing with normal life phenomena of the human body.

It is the foundation upon which we build the knowledge of what life is, how to treat disease and how to cope with stress imposed upon our body by different environments.

It is an essential foundation for practice of medicine. Physiology and Medicine are an example of two way street and help to study physiological principles with clinical examples The emphasis on integrating molecular, cellular, organ, system and whole body functions is what distinguishes physiology from other life sciences.

Physiology helps students study the structure and functions which are inextricably linked and understand mechanisms governing different HOMEOSTATIC PROCESSES in the human body, From the basic unit of life to the complex behavior of whole system Physiology underpins our survival and is the key to improve our health

Physiology is an experimental science. It helps us to determine what goes wrong in disease, facilitating in development of new treatments & guidelines for maintaining human health.

Goals of physiology - To explain the physical & chemical factors that are responsible for the origin , development and progress of life..

Physiology is the mother of several biological sciences giving birth to disciplines of Biophysics and Neuroscience. Research in Physiology trains a new generation of physiologists to apply modern knowledge in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

During the course students learn to recognize and apply the basic concepts that govern integrated body functions. It helps them synthesize ideas to make a connection between knowledge and real-world situations through innovative teaching methods and promote critical thinking and problem solving skills.

Students are trained to clinically examine on normal subjects which will help them understand the normal functioning of body & correlate with applied Physiology.

As per NMC CBME guidelines Department of Physiology is exposing the students to Early Clinical Exposure ( ECE) wherein Physiology is correlated with Medicine with real patients right from phase-1 We help students to practice Self Directed learning to gain confidence in the subject and to enhance conceptual learning.

We regularly conduct student seminars to assist them in Self Directed Learning. We encourage students to participate in National level Physiology quiz competitions in various medical colleges across India. We encourage students to attend undergraduate conferences, to participate in seminars, model making & sports and students have won prizes.

Every year students attend “OSMECON” at Osmania Medical college Hyderabad & they have participated in symposiums & won prizes. Role play is given importance in CBME curriculum; we conduct role play sessions to help the students to understand the subject better. Quiz programmes – conducted regularly on different topics of Physiology to prepare the students for viva- voce, to enhance self confidence and to build up competitive attitude. Vertical integrated teaching with all clinical departments and Horizontal integrated teaching with Anatomy and Biochemistry Departments is conducted with student participation . Regularly students are selected for ICMR projects Dedicated faculty in the department help students to bring out the best in them and to become competent updated professional with humanitarian approach for the up liftment of society both in India and abroad.

> Hematology laboratory: a spacious hall with 75 student microscopes and one projecting microscope, accommodating 75 students at a time.
> Human clinical laboratory: spacious lab well equipped with modern facilities accommodating 70 students at a time.
> Departmental library: with 111 books with good ambience.
> Demonstration rooms: department has 2 demonstration rooms with good audio-visual aids like computer with LCD projector, OHP, black and white boards with capacity of 50 students at a time.
> A well established Central Research laboratory
> A well equipped Central skilled lab.
> A spacious Central library with 13633 Books.
Department of Microbiology in Malla Reddy Medical College for Women is having 3 Professors, 1 Associate. Professor, 2 Assistant Professors, 6 Tutors.

The Department of Microbiology is committed to nurturing Academic Environment and provides upgraded Microbiology Diagnostic facilities& NABL accredited Molecular and Serology laboratories. The Lab is equipped with the latest technology powered by well-trained and experienced team The Department draws well planned Teaching schedules with lectures, demonstrations, tutorials, seminars, Practicals and CMEs as per Revised competency Based NMC Curriculum with time and date &teaching faculty name on the particular day. The students have to follow daily schedule of hospital postings in the morning hours and theory classes in the afternoon.

College Facilities:

Demonstration rooms: 2 rooms with audio visual equipment. Practical laboratory: organized, ventilated, and accommodates more than 75 students. Has all facilities and equipped according to the NMC standards. Department library cum Seminar room: Separate, Size and capacity according to NMC Standards, has 110 books in Microbiology and allied subjects and subscription for National and international journals. Office accommodation: for faculty and non-teaching and clerical staff. Research laboratory: well equipped for the research activities of faculty. Museum : is very well organized provides accommodation for students as per NMC standards.


• Implementing Competency Based Medical Education (CBME) in accordance with letter and spirit of MCI 2019.
• Involvement of the students in various interactive teaching sessions like small group discussions, Problem based learning, student seminars, quiz programs and vertical and horizontal integrated teaching programs.
• Providing guidance for ICMR student research projects, and encouraging them to participate in collaborations in multi-center projects.
• Guiding the students for elective sessions.
• Encouraging the students to participate in various extracurricular activities and inter-college competitions.
Service laboratories: The Diagnostic Microbiology lab is fully functional with the following separate laboratories
• Bacteriology: The bacteriology lab consists of exudates, urine, blood, stool and anaerobic sections.
• Immunology & Serology
• Virology
• Tuberculosis
• Parasitology
• Mycology
• Molecular diagnostic Lab


The Department recognizes the control of hospital associated infections (HAI) as an important issue and is committed to fulfilling its responsibility by ensuring that proper safeguards are instituted to identify and prevent Hospital Acquired Infections. Infection Control includes the prevention and management of infections through application of research based knowledge to practices including standard precautions, decontamination, waste management, surveillance and audit. The Hospital Infection Control Committee (HICC), chaired by Head of the Department, looks after the infection control needs of the hospital.
The Main Purpose of the Committee Is
• To maintain standards in infection control measures, and minimize hospital acquired infections in patients and staff
• To define policy and procedures regarding surveillance of nosocomial infections at MRMCW Hospital
• To frame antibiotic policy and monitor its adherence by the prescribing authorities
Department of Pharmacology in Malla Reddy Medical College for Women is having 4 Professors, 1 Associate. Professor, 6 Assistant Professors, 8 Tutors.
The department of Pharmacology is a vital component of our academic institution committed to achieve and strive for excellence in teaching and research. The department offers comprehensive education and training in the field of pharmacology to undergraduate and post graduate students to provide a strong foundation in this discipline for their future practice.
The department aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the nature and effects of drugs including principles of drug action, therapeutic uses, their potential adverse effects and drug interactions etc. Also emphasise the importance of evidence based medicine, critical thinking and ethical considerations in the area therapeutics.
The faculty members of the department are highly qualified and passionate about teaching and research, committed to creating an inclusive and collaborative learning environment where students can thrive professionally and personally. Strong mentorship program is being implemented in the department to help students with setting goals, exploring careers for growth.
In addition to the academic activities, research is a significant focus in the department. The faculty is actively engaged in conducting research and publishing papers every year in national / international journals.
Teaching in the department is imparted through competency based curriculum with a greater emphasis on interactive lectures, self directed learning, small group teaching, integrated teaching, seminars and skill lab based learning. Postgraduate training for MD students include weekly subject seminars, journal review meetings, Interdepartmental seminars, group discussion, case presentations, attending guest lectures, CMEs, clinical research, pharmacovigilance programme, Experimental pharmacology exercises etc. They also attend clinical rotatory postings in various departments as per the competency based postgraduate curriculum.
The department is well equipped with laboratories such as clinical pharmacology lab having mannequins / simulator to demonstrate various clinical skills, a Computer Assisted laboratory (CAL), a library and a museum. More than 300 drug samples arranged system wise, various drug formulations, charts, models, History of medicine, drug catalogues etc are displayed in the museum.
The department is committed to conduct and participate in continuing medical education programs, guest lectures and workshops to stay updated with the latest developments in the field of pharmacology and therapeutics. Also contributes to other areas in the form of Medical education, pharmacovigilance, Scientific Review Committee, Institutional Ethics Committee, Animal Ethics Committee etc

Future vision:

The department of pharmacology through robust academic program with well equipped laboratories strive to produce competent learners who are well prepared for diverse careers in academia, research, clinical practice and pharmaceutical industry.
Pathology is a bridging science connecting the basic sciences to clinical sciences having a role to play from bench to bedside: both in research and application. As William Osler the famous Canadian wrote “As is our Pathology, so is our Practice”. The subject of Pathology is taught in 2nd year of MBBS course to understand and correlate the causes of various diseases and how they lead to derangement of the physiology leading to diseases. Introduction to the Department: Department of Pathology is a fully fledged department, with faculty having 5 Professors, 1 Associate Professor, 9 Assistant Professors, 9 Tutors.

The Department is involved in undergraduate teaching and patient care providing services in hematology, clinical pathology, histopathology, Immunohistochemistry, cytopathology and blood transfusion. The department draws the teaching schedule, which is based on CBME guidelines as directed by NMC.

The schedule for the students involves small group learning, didactic lectures, horizontal and vertical integrated teaching, tutorials, seminars, self directed learning, AETCOM, taking care that most of the activities are encouraging active participation by the students.


To be recognized for excellence in education, patient care and research through collaborations with the clinical and scientific programmes of various departments.


The Department of Pathology is committed to serve:
I. Education: Providing exemplary educational resources today and anticipating educational needs of the tomorrow. > Provide the highest quality education, training and research experience for medical students. > Create and support educational programs for pathologists and clinicians regionally, nationally, and internationally.

II. Patients: Providing excellent, innovative & cost effective diagnostic services for optimal patient outcome and health. > This support will be enhanced through centralization and consolidation of specialized laboratory services, which will provide evaluation and diagnosis in a timely and efficient fashion.

III. Research: To provide effective partnership with the health care providers and lead programmatic research at our institute as well as in partnership with the other institutes, research programs

IV. Society: > Actively applying tools of science and pathology in support of public health and ongoing expansion of medical knowledge.

V. Faculty:
> Continuously enhancing our departmental culture of diversity, respect and professional growth.
The students are expected to integrate their knowledge and skills as follows:
(a) Knowledge
The student should be able to identify the etiology, pathogenesis, morphological changes structural basis for clinical symptom and signs, relevant investigations and course of illnesss of the diseases by achieving, excellent scientific knowledge in pathology.
(b) Skills
At the end of the course, the student shall be able to:
1) Describe the rationale and principles of technical procedures of the diagnostic laboratory tests and interpretation of the results.
2) Perform the simple bed-side tests on blood, urine and other biological fluid samples
(c) Integration
At the end of training he/she shall be able to integrate the causes of disease and relationship of different etiological factors (social, economic and environmental) contribute to the natural history of diseases most prevalent in India.
Department has 2 demonstration rooms with well equipped audio-visual aids - Computer systems with LCD projectors, OHP readers, black and white boards which can accommodate 75 students and 25 students at a time respectively. There is an additional demonstration room in the student laboratory with a 20 seating capacity.


IHC Section
Departmental Library: Has collection of more than 151 books catering to both undergraduate course and reference books. The library is updated with latest editions of books on regular basis. Museum:
The pathology museum has required number of specimens and relevant notes.
The Undergraduate medical education program is designed with a goal to create an“ Indian Medical Graduate “(IMC) possessing requisite knowledge , skills, attitudes, values and responsiveness, so that she or he may function appropriately and effectively as a physician of first contact of the community while being globally relevant.
Department of Community Medicine is adequately staffed with 6 Professors, 4 Assistant Professors, 7 Tutors, 2 LMOs, 1 Statistician.
Community Medicine department has adequate infrastructure, faculty rooms, Lab, Teaching Rooms with required AV Aids and digitally connected to all teaching areas of the institution. There is a well equipped departmental museum with relevant models, charts and specimens. A well setup departmental library is available with adequate number of Books and Titles. In addition the library has Journals, both National and International.
The Department draws well planned Teaching schedules with lectures, demonstrations, tutorials, seminars, Integrated Teaching, Practicals and CMEs as per Revised competency Based NMC Curriculum.
Our institution is affiliated to CHC Medchal and UPHC Shapur Nagar to train our student in RHTC& UHTC services.
The RHTC implements all the National Health Programs and has functional labour room, OT and Lab. The lab is also a Designated Microscopic Center under RNTCP program
The Professor and HOD is the coordinator for the NTEP program from the Medical college side
Involvement with International Organizations: The department submitted a proposal to UNICEF to provide supportive supervision to the High Priority Districts under RMNCH+A involving other Medical colleges in the states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh

Research Activities In addition to the teaching activities, the department is supporting in the research activities. Students are showing enthusiasm and interest in the research activities. Two are selected by ICMR under the STS projects for this year. The details are as follows:
As per new NMC guidelines, Family Adoption Programme is been conducted for every batch starting from 2021 batch onwards
NSS ACTIVITIES: All Students are enrolled as volunteers under National Service Scheme, Govt of India. Under this scheme regular activities and special health camps are conducted on a rotational basis. Many health days are celebrated on monthly basis and special camps conducted on yearly basis.